Isla Cañas is a Turtle and Mangrove Refuge

Most people are familiar with Isla Iguana, but they haven’t visited Isla Cañas. As soon as you drive pass Playa Venao you will see the island in the distance. First you will arrive in the town of Cañas, which is growing since many people cannot afford to live in Playa Venao. This town is just 10 minutes past the famous Panama surf beach.

How to cross to Isla Cañas?

It is possible to take a boat from the shore at the end of the road in Cañas town, but most people cross to the island from the Port of Sigua which is about 15 minutes further in direction towards Tonosi. There is a cool luxury dome hotel called Alaya Panama in the area. It is possible to eat in this place before or after your tour of Isla Cañas.

Puerto Sigua has a few parking spaces, however tours to Isla Cañas may include transportation from Pedasi or Playa Venao if visitors have not rented a car. Timing is everything to cross to the island since you will be on a small panga boat through the mangroves. If the tide is too low the boat cannot pass because it becomes very muddy and you will have to get off and walk. Expect to take off your shoes, roll up your pants and walk in mud until your knees in this scenario. Search CarsImage

This short boat drive through the mangroves is quite beautiful. Once you leave the enclosed passage area the boat will cross the ocean to get to the island pier. Pachamama Hostel is located on the island for those who want to spend the night.

Wildlife Refuge

Isla Cañas was declared a wildlife refuge on June 29, 1994. This island of the Pacific coast of Panama has 832 hectares. The protected area covers 254,3 km². It is located between the rivers of Tonosi and Cañas.

This island is one of the most important nesting sites for Pacific sea turtles. Over 10,000 turtles come to lay their eggs every year and it is one of the two “arribadas” sites (the other one is La Marinera in Tonosi) where olive ridley sea turtles synchronized mass nesting. Endangered species including the hawksbill, loggerhead sea, leatherback and green turtle also nest in Isla Cañas.

The 13 kilometer long beach in the island has dark grey sand with a high content of iron and magnesium. This island serves as a delta barrier, with cliffs on the coastline. Channel entrances show typical coastal dune formation like the Pablo Barrios Reserve in Playa Arenal.

Flora on the island belongs to the tropical wet forest. There are 1,200 hectares of mangroves on Isla Cañas. Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and black mangrove (Avicenia nitida) can be found on the north part of the island. Locals built a wooden pathway for visitors to cross over the mangroves.

Isla Cañas Tours

Day Tour: Isla Cañas mangrove tour allows you to visit the island during the day. Go on a boat through the mangroves to see local wildlife and many species of birds. It is also possible to fish and eat your catch. Kayak rentals may be included with your tour.

Explore the island on bicycles or on a horse carriage with a cart that has capacity for four people. Swim in the ocean if desired. Lunch at a local restaurant is included. This tour can be done throughout the year.

Isla Cañas Mangrove Tour


Mangrove tour on a boat through the mangroves around Isla Cañas to see birds and local wildlife. Guests can practice artisanal fishing and cook any catches in a local kitchen. … Read More


Night Tour: visit one of the most important nesting places for sea turtles in the world. This tour includes boat crossing from the mainland. Dinner is served in a local restaurant and then guests will board a horse carriage to go to the turtle nesting area.

A local guide will walk with you in order to find turtles nesting. Each turtle lays around 100 eggs and only 1% of turtles survive to adulthood. Turtle tours in Isla Cañas are only done from the 15 of July to the 15 of December. It is important to bring long pants, rain jacket, sneakers or boots, and mosquito repellent (since it is a mangrove zone).

Turtle Night Tour in Isla Cañas


See turtles laying their eggs in one of the most important places in the world! Isla Cañas is one of the 11 places where the Olive Ridley turtle does their arribadas. This tour is available ONLY from the 15 of July to the 15 of December. … Read More


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